Codar Ocean Sensors

SeaSonde HF radar, ocean surface currents and waves observing

The Codar SeaSonde is a compact, earth-based, non-contact surface current and wave measurement system that can be deployed and maintained easily, and will perform even during extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes providing wide-area observations with ranges of up to 80 or 200 km (depending on operating frequency of the station) supporting critical coastal operations with real-time data.

Codar Ocean Sensors' patented technologies, including its processing algorithms, allow the SeaSonde to produce extremely accurate 2-D surface current velocity maps and measures the most important wave parameters.

To provide highest quality commercial and technical service to clients in the EMEA region Codar Ocean Sensors Ltd and QUALITAS Remos SL established back in 2007 CODAR EUROPE with offices in Madrid and Lisbon and a dedicated specialized multidisciplinary staff of 12 engineers, scientists and specialists. Objective is to ensure clients in the EMEA region a low total cost of ownership of the SeaSonde technology.
As part of the value-added proposition a tailored information system, the PORTUS, to guarantee a long lifecycle and a high ownership and societal return based on the timely delivery of highly valuable easy to use information.

Due to their unique ability to map surface currents from shore with high temporal and spatial resolution and to provide useful wave data, HF radar has become a key component of coastal ocean observing systems worldwide. Ocean currents and waves determine the movement of surface waters, providing unique and critical information to support pollutant tracking, search and rescue operations, harmful algal bloom monitoring, navigation, coastal and marine space managers, critical infrastructure operators, emergency responders and marine scientists to perform most effectively their work.

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